Leonard’s Skipper – Soldier’s Delight

After missing the first part of the month away from the area on an Alaska birding trip I went out to Solider’s Deight Environmental area in western Baltimore county, MD. Blazing Star was now begining to wind down but there was still ample nectoring to be had. The Little/Big Bluestem grasses provide the perfect habitat for Leonard’s, Swarthy, Dusted and Cobweb Skippers to name a few during the course of the year. I arrived at the parking lot across from the Choate Mine trailhead about 1:45pm. It was a cool 68 degrees, partly cloudy with a northerly breeze. Barry and Bev joined me for a second pass of the trail about 1 1/2 hours later. At the end of the day whille we were chatting and preparing to go home back at the parking lot we ran into fellow lepster Beth Johnson. We traded stories of the afternoon’s  events. Sachem and Pearl Crescents were abundant. In all we located 10 Leonard’s Skippers throughout the entire length of the Choate Mine trail. Also of note were Painted Lady, American Lady and a Red-banded Hairstreak. I’m still hoping for some southern irruptives before the season plays itself out.

* = First of year

  Common Checkered-Skipper    2
  Swarthy Skipper             9
 *Leonard's Skipper           10
  Sachem                      abundant
  Crossline Skipper           1 (female)
  Dun Skipper                 1
  Orange Sulphur              4
  Red-banded Hairstreak       1
  Eastern Tailed-Blue         2
  Monarch                     1
  Variegated Fritillary       1
  Pearl Crescent              abandant   
  Common Buckeye              6
  Painted Lady                1
  American Lady               1

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Leonard's Skipper Leonard's Skipper
This entry was posted in Blues, Brush-footed, Gossamer-winged, Remote Trip, Skippers, Whites and Sulphurs. Bookmark the permalink.

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